At the River’s Edge

Laurie MarksUncategorized Leave a Comment

Here we are at this river
Having been carried by many others
Rivers that bob with trappings
We can’t call our own
Rivers of eddies filled with expectations
That keep us from flow
Rivers frothing
With such fear and pain
That we are pulled under

Yet here we are
At this river

If flows much more swiftly
Then it seemed to flow from afar
Snowmelt has churned its bottom
Making things still unclear
And it carries winter’s bitter cold

Yet, here we are
At this river

An echo from the ear of our hearts
“Jump!” “Jump!”
“How high?” we ask so as to clear the shallows
“Just jump” comes the reply
And so, with trustful hearts pounding, we jump

THIS is where the two rivers meet
This is where the two rivers meet

And the water clears, purifyingly so
And the water warms, snug and all-embracing
Branches along the river’s banks bow low
And the white owl takes flight

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